St. Brigid RC Church
85 Post Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590Website: | Email: | Phone: 516-334-0021
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{{currentlyPlaying.type}} Offline Item Not Found
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{{stream.streamname}} |
Stream Schedule
{{item.starttime}} - {{item.schedtitle}}
Local Time: {{getLocalTime(item.schedstarttimedate)}}
({{item.streamname }})
Nothing Scheduled
{{showLocalTime == 0 ? "Show " : "Hide"}} local times
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Past Content
{{row.title}} ({{row.streamname}}) | {{}} @ {{row.time}} |
Recordings are typically available for 30 days.
No recent recordings found.
{{row.title}} | {{}} |
Clips and saved recordings are available indefinitely.
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St. Brigid's vision statement:
To love, respect and cherish the diversity that is in our midst.
St. Brigid's mission statement:
Together we create a community where we can both receive and share God's mercy.
Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A-700623. All rights reserved.