St. John Vianney Church
1110 Vaughan Ln, Gladwyne, PA 19035Website: sjvgladwyne.com | Email: parishoffices@sjvgladwyne.com | Phone: (610) 642-0938
Welcome! Thank you for joining us in prayer and worship as we celebrate The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!
Stay connected with SJV by texting SJVGLADWYNE to 22828 to join our electronic communications.
For presentations and Webinars, please select the "Parish Hall Stream" button below the video player.
For presentations and Webinars, please select the "Parish Hall Stream" button below the video player.

{{currentlyPlaying.type}} Offline Item Not Found
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Stream Schedule
{{item.starttime}} - {{item.schedtitle}}
Local Time: {{getLocalTime(item.schedstarttimedate)}}
({{item.streamname }})
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Past Content
{{row.title}} ({{row.streamname}}) | {{row.date}} @ {{row.time}} |
Recordings are typically available for 7 days.
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{{row.title}} | {{row.date}} |
Clips and saved recordings are available indefinitely.
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Contributions can be made by (1) texting a dollar amount to 610-222-5335, (2) signing up for online giving at sjvgladwyne.com, or (3) sending your envelopes to the Parish Offices (1110 Vaughan Lane, Gladwyne).
Thank you for your generosity and for joining us!